Low Key - 

This game is from a university project in which I was tasked to create a game without using a game engine, therefore the game uses the P5.JS JavaScript library.

Development - 

Low Key was developed by me using HTML and JavaScript, mainly using the P5.JS library and all of the art assets were created by me using Aseprite. I decided to use a pixel art style as it meant creating assets could be quick yet still look good, which was important due to the time constraints of this project, and using a tileset meant the level design was quick and easy.

About the game - 

Low Key is a web-based top-down puzzle game in which the player has to navigate multiple different rooms looking for a mystical orb, however, each room the player enters has its own challenges the player must face, such as locked doors, spike traps, and enemy guards, however, some rooms feature helpful items such as keys, throwing knives and potions to help the player along the way.

Note - 

Due to the constraints of developing the game without a game engine or framework, there are some graphical bugs that will occur when loading new rooms and items, however, I do plan to remake Low Key using the Phaser framework, which will feature polished mechanics and animations.

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