A downloadable game for Windows

Short Description - 

This is a small game for my game development module, in which the player must save The Great Tree of  Arcadia Isles, by collecting nature spirits and returning them to their shrine!

In essence, the game will have the player explore several islands searching and collecting the nature spirit of that island, in order to activate the shrine that can save the biggest tree on the islands.

How to play - 

Basic movement - W, A, S, and D.

Jumping - Space.

Using magic staff - Left mouse button.

Interacting with Shrines and NPCs - E Key.

Pausing the game - Escape Key.

This project features - 

Custom 3D models and textures.

Multiple custom shaders for cell shading, outlines, water, and the skybox.

Particle effects.

Sound effects.

NPC Animation and dialogue system.

Other general animation.


ToSaveaTree.zip 91 MB

Install instructions

How to install - 

Simply click the download button found on this page, which will download a zip file containing the ToSaveATree.exe file and a bunch of other important files, once the file is downloaded, extract the files and then double click the .exe file to launch the game.